Integrated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) is Industry led not for profit and Industry
managed commerce think tank. ICCI is a Strong network of Entrepreneurs, Corporate, Policy Makers,
Media, Academician and Researcher from different regions. ICCI bridges the gap between Industry and
Policy Makers through regular deliberation, survey and sending the recommendations to relevant
stakeholders. Vision of ICCI is to assist Government of India in Positioning India as Leading Economy of
With active 8 state councils i.e. Delhi, Ranchi, Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Patna and Bhopal,
ICCI is regularly organizing Summit, Seminar, Conference, Workshop, Symposium, etc. on various
relevant issues and sending the recommendations to various stake holders including government of
India, State Government, Government Institutes, media etc. ICCI is soon planning to open its active state
councils in all states of India and authentic reports and publications in the benefit of society.